Dr.Peter Scott FRCVS is involved with animal welfare at various levels:
  • as a veterinary surgeon working with animals he puts animal welfare first
  • served Companion Animal Welfare Council (CAWC) as a Trustee council member,
  • DEFRA England Implementation Group (EIG) where he was responsible for developing the animal health & welfare strategy in companion animals.
  • Founder and Chairman until 2019 of the Companion Animal Sector Council (CASC) which works to bring together the various parts of the companion animal sector, liaising between the groups and with DEFRA through AHWBE
  • PAWSI on developing standards for trainers of performing animals, through PAWSI he has worked closely with the DEFRA Animal Welfare Act team on how to develop a system for monitoring circus. He was a member of the Scientific review group which examined evidence on circus for the Minister
  • Pets at Home as an independent veterinary adviser
  • member of the RSPCA Freedom Foods Trout Panel

Because of this interest we are actively working with trout farmers and the BTA in looking at methods for monitoring and improving fish welfare.

We are also very involved in working with film and TV producers who want to work with animals in productions, ensuring best practice for trainers and well planned, safe secure filming. We can offer a welfare/risk assessment prior to shoots and attendance through shooting.